Sprouting Seeds at Home: a Quick Beginner’s Guide


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A sprouting jar is a must-have for everyone who likes to eat healthy and stay fit. Regardless of the time of the year, you can grow 100% natural food supplements that you can add to salads, sandwiches, and snacks. You can fully control the process of growing seeds and it will take you just a minimal effort. No previous experience is required and your expenses will be deliciously low.

What You Can Sprout

Not all seeds are compatible with the sprouts growing kit. Kidney beans or chia seeds are not good for this purpose. These are the most popular seeds that you can germinate safely:

● Wheat

● Grain

● Bean

● Nut

● Mung

● Chickpeas

● Mustard

● Alfalfa

Now, let us consider what you should do after you bought a seed sprouting kit or someone gave it to you as a present.

Фотография: Sprouting Seeds at Home: a Quick Beginner’s Guide №2 - BigPicture.ru

How to Sprout Seeds

The step-by-step instruction is genuinely simple.


Keep the seed sprouter clean and make sure there are no foreign substances there before you put the seeds inside. Cover the seeds with cold or cool drinking water. The amount of water might vary depending on the exact sort of seed. In most cases, the ratio of seeds to water in the container should be 1 to 3. Soak the seeds thoroughly. Buckwheat needs only half an hour to soak. With most beans and seeds, you will need to wait for approximately 8 hours.


Once the seeds have soaked, drain them. A typical sprouting kit has a drain lid, so you just need to tip it over and let the water drain into the sink. Rinse the contents of the jar, drain them, and put back the lid.

Wait and Rinse Again

Store the sprouts at room temperature. For faster germination, you might want to put them in sunlight. However, you should not store them in direct sunlight for a long time. Make sure the seeds have enough ventilation. Rinse the seeds twice per day and drain them properly to prevent mold.


Your harvest will be ready in 3-5 days. The exact time depends on the variety of seeds that you are growing. Rinse them once again and drain them. Place them on a stack of paper towels to eliminate moisture and wait for 5 minutes. Feel free to consume them immediately or store them for up to 7 days in the refrigerator. If you prefer to keep them on your kitchen counter to eat in a few hours, put them in a baking dish lined with paper towels.

Фотография: Sprouting Seeds at Home: a Quick Beginner’s Guide №3 - BigPicture.ru

On the Internet http://top-choice.shop, you will find detailed instructions and valuable recommendations on germinating dozens of sorts of seeds. You will quickly get used to sprouting seeds at home.

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