Most Popular Korean Drama Genres


All film products are usually attributed to a specific genre. But there are series that are a real genre cocktail. For example, this is the Korean drama The Forbidden Marriage, which by genre belongs to melodrama, comedy and historical series, and at the same time. And such a phenomenon can be observed quite often, as you can see for yourself by choosing a drama that suits your mood on the website Most Popular Korean Drama Genres

Major Genres of Kdramas

1. Romance. This genre is dominant in Korean cinema because love stories with happy endings and without vulgarity appeal to a wide range of viewers around the world. After all, they provide an opportunity to escape from reality and immerse yourself in a beautiful fairy tale about love.

2. Melodramas are also related to romance, but they are usually singled out as a separate genre, because the main storyline of melodramas is family intrigues. It is not for nothing that almost all Korean melodramas that can be watched on TV occupy the best time — prime time.

3. Sageuk dramas. Under this word, historical series are hidden, which are loved for beautiful costumes and scenery, chic hairstyles, luxurious household items and other things. As a rule, plots have nothing to do with historical events, but there are series whose plot is based on real facts, albeit pretty embellished ones!

4. Thrillers and horrors. Dramas about serial killers are especially held in high esteem by Koreans. Although, cinematographers periodically bring chilling horrors to the audience, which are really scary to watch!

5. About representatives of certain professions. Rescuers, teachers, lawyers, doctors — all these people deserve to devote entire series to them! As a rule, such dramas are distinguished by sharply social scenarios that indicate the presence of problems in the country. While watching «professional» dramas, viewers get the feeling that they have already «seen it somewhere». Yes, individual series are remakes and adaptations.

6. About the school. The main plots of dramas about school time are relationships with classmates, first love, sports competitions, the pursuit of good grades.

7. Fantasy and science fiction. Korean scriptwriters have a rich imagination, thanks to which the viewer has every chance to face the zombie apocalypse, black magic, hitmen, space aliens and other devilry.

Almost every Korean series has a love line!

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