Избитая порнозвезда Кристи Мак
Сегодня мы вам покажем подборку лучших кадров из инстаграма 24-летней американской модели и порнозвезды Кристи Мак. Невзирая на занятость в фильмах для взрослых, Кристи может похвастаться очень самобытной внешностью.
Год назад Кристи была избита и изнасилована своим бывшим бойфрендом, бойцом MMA по прозвищу Вар Машин — что значит «военная машина». Кристи тогда попала в больницу со сломанным носом, выбитыми зубами и разрывом печени.
Боец сейчас находится в ожидании суда, ему грозит от 15 до 20 лет тюрьмы. В своем письме в компанию HBO Вар Машин пытается оправдаться, заявляя, что его просто упекли и что Кристи сама виновата. Бигпикча очень возмущена!
(Всего 21 фото + 1 видео)
2 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and last night. I've had several dentist visits to make eating more comfortable and make my smile look more normal. I still have a few more dental visits to go. I've had my eyes checked out and made aware that I'm very lucky to have my vision where it is, since the muscle is tethered by the fragments from the blowout fracture in my left eye. My multiple nose fractures will be fixed in the next couple of months. While they're fairly symmetrical, my nose is shifted on the inside and out causing breathing issues. (I also make everyone feel how my bone sticks out on the left side because it feels so weird.) My top lip will regain movement in less than 6 months… looking forward to using straws again. My liver seems to be alright. I was admitted back to the hospital shortly after I was released the first time for some minor treatment, but I did not have to have surgery. While my face is starting to look decent again from the swelling going down, it is still not my own. Cutting what was left of my hair off, and losing 15 lbs(it's a lot when you're 5'1") made me feel even further away from myself. It's hard to look in the mirror every day and see someone you do not know. After having makeup done and dressing up for yesterday's charity event, I felt much better about how I look now. It made me feel more normal, and beautiful for the first time in a very long time. The event that I went to was for Face Forward. A non profit charity that funds surgeries for women and children that have been in horrible situations that require them to have reconstructive surgery. They are not funding me, my surgeries are being donated by other doctors. I met many wonderful people and look forward to working more with them in the future.
Фото опубликовано Christy Mack (@christymack) Сен 14 2014 в 10:56 PDT
Puppy pillow!
Фото опубликовано Christy Mack (@christymack) Ноя 10 2013 в 4:53 PST
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