Чем занимаются штурмовики из «Звездных войн» на досуге?


Лондонский фотограф Дэррил Джонс представляет, что штурмовики из «Звездных войн» делают в свое свободное время, и снимает сцены из их жизни. Дело в том, что Джонс несколько лет назад переехал в Британию из ЮАР и обнаружил, что пейзажной фотографией он больше заниматься не может — пришлось найти себе иное развлечение. Штурмовиков Дэррил постит в социальные сети, там у его страницы уже более 100 тысячи фолловеров.

Фотография: Чем занимаются штурмовики из

"Heaven is my motorbike Man my mate its out of sight it give me cause to race all day and licence time not much to pay heaven is my motorbike dont tune me grief man can't you see I revs it up and go man go not like the fuzz slow man slow and when I see it in the morning light all chromed up gabba it is a pure delight it is my everything that I'm prouds of the heaven of my motorbike…. Heaven is my motorbike tougher than a scruffy dike happiness it what it gives catch a flick my mate with me I pick you up at half past three… Heaven is my motorbike…. Heaven is my motorbike I loves my motorbike…." Sad Tyre (This is an actual South African Song, that I heard when I was about 4 years old, A search on youtube will bring up the track, it's hilarious….. and possibly the origins of #dieantwoord) hahahahahaha Google: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZYmX0j1Xqk #haveyouseeneric #honda #gorilla #monkeybike #acecafe #motorbike #ride #darrylljones #freedom #song #road #stormtrooper #bobafett #starwars #instagram

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)



Eric was a little confused and disappointed to be quite honest. He did not know what all the fuss was about, he had seen many pictures of Pluto and these were no different! He thought they would at least be in colour mind you, but it was nothing he had not seen before. He decided to call SHENANIGANS, even if these were being beamed directly into the R2 unit from the new horizons probe a billion years away, why were they so crappy…? And what was Pluto doing there in the first place..? What was all the fuss…. Eric never trusted the government, and the TV really anyway, he thought the Amazing race was a show about Stormtroopers, until he watched it and he was severely disappointed once again to find out it was a bunch of illiterate humans racing about for a prize…. Telly always let him down…. 'Oh well', he thought, 'lets go colour these in shall we' #haveyouseeneric #pluto #planet #newhorizons #nasa #stormtrooper #darrylljones

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)






Meanwhile, Eric and Boris break through to a barren wasteland, and Lemmy the python has joined them…? (I am thinking at this point its probably a good thing I am not allowed to home school my daughters…) [Whatthefeckisthat] thinks Lemmy, as he stares at Boris and blinks his reptilian blink. Eric is oblivious, he needs something to eat and fast, he has low blood sugar… things are getting a little blurry, he begins to worry, he recalls that party at Fett's place, things got blurry then too and he woke up with a double limp and part of his rear armour missing…. '#nandos would be heaven,' he thinks, licking his chapped lip… Boris makes a few beeps and fritzzes, and they decide to move east… #lemmythellama hangs back a little, he is still waiting for a herd… pythons, especially green tree pythons, only attack in flocks of four or more… Lemmy knows that Eric is covered in hard plastic, although he has seen a vulnerable area missing near the bumflap… He is very weary however of Boris… is that a Laser mounted on the front..? or some kind of sick mechanical proboscis. Being unsure makes him pretty unsure. So he smiles his python smile and tries to look cute… #haveyouseeneric #mantracker #ericandboris #pet #darrylljones

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)




Winter Parmesan angels by Eric Jones…. #haveyouseeneric #parmesan #instagram #darrylljones #cheese #studio #snowangel

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)


chipping away so barney can play #runbarneyrun #haveyouseeneric #barney #simpsons #cold #frozen #darrylljones

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)


Friday is Red Wine Day it is… #haveyouseeneric #wine #celebration #darrylljones #instagram #freedom #friday

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)


The main ingredient for wookie lasagne, is of course, a wookie… #lasagne #mince #wookie #chewy #haveyouseeneric #mincer #chewbacca

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)



It's Friday, it's Cava Friday, Quick… give me a foot up… #haveyouseeneric #drink #alcohol #friday

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)







New Years resolution 001 — get myself a bigger freekin bathtub #theadventuresoferic

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)


Suddenly Eric knew what the foul stench he had smelled a few days earlier was… He also figured out why the cute little puppy had no friends…. It was probably the most crap he had ever seen in his lifetime… No, wait, it was the second most amount of doo doo he had seen. While he swept he recalled the sudden explosion on the Death Star many moons ago, and how he had been in block A ablution block at the time… The horror, 16 000 porta potties erupting all at once and then, nothing… The tide of brown sausage had swept him off his feet and straight down into the ablution escape pod. He had been thrust out into space, up to his helmet in clone crap. Eric was no sand trooper… And whilst it surely may have saved his life, it left a permanent stain on his armour… And a sweet yet sour smell he could never get rid of either. Now, cooped up in his two bedroom flat in London, he had encountered another mass of ungodly poop… All from the ass of a tiny cuddly creature, he would now call… Sir crapalot…. #theadventuresoferic #darrylljones #labrador #puppy #stormtrooper #apartment #sweep #poop #dog

Фото опубликовано Darryll Jones (@darrylljones)




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