BPO In Cebu


The success of outsourcing also lies upon the strength of the team that deals with the human side of the business. Automation of processes and protocols is the new way to go, but all the automation is made legally sound credited to BPOSeats’ strong Human Resources presence. We treat each and single employee as real people. This is why at end of automated process, especially disciplinary actions, the BPOSeats HR Team ensures that decisions are created that protects both your interest as a client and the given rights of the employees within the bounds of Philippine Labor Law. With BPOSeats you are at peace that we are 100% compliant with law. Philippines outsourcing its full legal support.

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Compliance to law is essential to obtaining employee satisfaction, but BPOSeats takes away the hassle from clients as we take care of compliance for you, may it be with employment income taxation, employment contracts, government mandatory benefits and due process – our HR team takes care of it all for you, so that you can focus on one thing – steering your team towards success. Philippines BPO in Cebu its really good HR service.

Speaking of employee satisfaction, in the last few years a lot of businesses have spent more than 50% of their HR budget to ensure that employees are engaged and is continuously stable in wellness. This is why the Human interaction with our HR Team remains important. The automation of the HR processes allows our HR Team to be able to monitor your staff ensuring engagement in their jobs and with the project.

The FUN with outsourcing doesn’t stop there. When the BPO Industry started in the Philippines, the number one reason for outsourcing is the savings a company can have for paying offshore talent with in-shore skills. With BPOSeats.com we have designed our technology where you and the employee will decide on a rate for their compensation compared to the traditional BPO Company where you are charged a fixed rate per hour or per month and the BPO Company takes a large cut and offers fixed rates to their hired staff. With the very large overhead cost it is understandable that other BPO Companies need to take a large cut to scale. BUT with BPOSeats.com, we want to empower you to scale. We believe in the win-win scenario where you grow, your employee’s grow and we grow with you in the process. Its very good opportunity for grow your business and you internation partners.

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