Advantages of air cargo transportation


Modern life is impossible to imagine without air transport. Just a few hours and you can be on the other side of the globe, in another country. This also applies to the transportation of various goods and cargo. Sigma Airlines Libya air transport has a number of advantages and, in addition, it is an excellent alternative to any other means of transportation.

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Advantages of air cargo transportation.

The key advantages of air cargo transportation are:
1. Speed. No transport can compare with an airplane in terms of speed of movement. Fast delivery of food, medicines and other goods with a short shelf life is possible only thanks to air travel.
2. Security. Due to the high speed of delivery and the absence of several unloads, the probability of damaging valuable cargo is minimal.
3. Cheap insurance. Due to the low risk of damage, cargo insurance also has a reduced cost.
4. No need for warehousing. Since the cargo is loaded onto the car immediately from the airport and delivered to the customer, there is no need to rent a place in the warehouse.
5. Delivery to hard-to-reach areas. There are places where it is simply impossible to get to by any other means of transport. In this case, air delivery is the only available option.

Features of air cargo transportation.

The cases when it is worth choosing air transportation, directly follow from its advantages:
1. If there is an urgent need to deliver the cargo. Suitable for fast-spoiling food, medicines, flowers, as well as unaccompanied animals. The plane will allow you to overcome the path in 1-2 days.
2. If the cargo has a large value. These can be jewelry, museum exhibits, sophisticated equipment and other objects that cannot be damaged.
3. If you need to deliver objects to hard-to-reach regions. For example, the Far North or the Kamchatka Peninsula. In some cases, there is no other way to get to the locality.
4. Sometimes it is more profitable and easier (including from the side of paperwork) to deliver cargo by plane than to take it by car to the railway, then load it on the train, wait for sorting, unload it from the train to the ship and then deliver it to the end point by car.
5. Air transportation is beneficial in the case of combined delivery, since the cost of transportation will be shared among all customers. Thus, you can save on the cost of transportation and at the same time get all the advantages of air delivery.
6. Cargo aircraft, such as the Il-76, can even deliver cargo to unpaved airfields.

The use of air transport provides timely delivery, savings on bulk cargo, cheaper duties and insurance, which fully compensates for the high cost of the flight.

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