Justin Stebbing’s tips how to keep home flowers healthy


A cozy home or a comfortable office is very difficult to imagine without cute plants in pots. Flowers, cacti, or exotic plants not only provide emotional relaxation, but also help purify the air. Your «green friends» will help you for years if you use at least basic methods of plant care, advises Camden Garden Centre florist Justin Stebbing.

«The advice I will give is tested on myself. I live and work in London, with a fairly cool summer – in such conditions, you need to take care of plants more carefully than, say, in the South of France,» says Justin Stebbing.

Basic needs

Choose a plant by size. When choosing a flower, remember what its size will be when it grows. Large plants don’t be in a small room. Small flowers can be placed on the windowsill or on the shelf. The green giants should be put in a spacious living room or reception room, where they will be comfortable. In addition, your visitors will also feel comfortable in the chair next to them.

Фотография: Justin Stebbing's tips how to keep home flowers healthy №1 - BigPicture.ru

Light level. Sunlight is necessary for all life on earth, for plants it is the basis of biochemistry. However, too bright rays can harm your green Pets, so consult with experts about how much sunlight will suit your flora. Shade-loving plants will feel great in the semi-darkness, and for light-loving beauties, prepare the facing South window and sill.

In addition to light, plants need heat. If you decide to ventilate the room in winter, there is a chance to freeze the plant-ice crystals formed in the cells will irreversibly damage their structure, and the plant will die, warns Justin Stebbing. Heat is especially important for exotic plants, which are increasingly popular in our region. As a rule, these guests come to us from countries much warmer, so try to avoid hypothermia. You don’t need to excessively warm the plant, says Justin Stebbing: the heat from the fireplace or heater is also dangerous for plants.

Water, as well as light, the necessary component for the life of any plant, resembles Justin Stebbing. Water plants should be settled water – not too warm and not cold. Excess liquid should flow freely out of the drainage hole in the pot. Do not allow over-drying and waterlogging of the soil lump.

It is important to remember that not only the roots of plants need water, but also the green part. Spray the flower should, to the extent necessary. In winter, you need to perform the procedure more often, because the air in the apartment is dry. You can arrange a real bathing for the flower, throwing it with a stream from the shower. The plant after such water treatments will be transformed literally before your eyes, Justin Stebbing promises.

You have to remember

Be sure you have the right soil, advises Justin Stebbing. The composition of the soil should be selected individually, a suitable mixture can be made independently or purchased ready-made. The soil must allow water and oxygen and it is good to absorb moisture. The soil can be alkaline, neutral or acidic, so it will be useful to consult a specialist about the growing conditions of a particular plant, says Justin Stebbing.

Learn the theory of plant transplants in advance. Under normal conditions, plants grow, their root system increases, so eventually the plants will need to be transplanted into a larger container.

Not all growers remember that plants need to loosen the soil in a pot, says Justin Stebbing. This facilitates the process of getting moisture and oxygen into the soil. If you forget about this, try inserting a wooden stick into each pot to remind you of the importance of loosening.

The risk of pests is always there, even if you regularly take care of your green friend, says Justin Stebbing. If you notice your plant attacked by unwanted guests, you should get rid of all the affected areas of the plant, and then remove the insects using a sponge soaked in alcohol solution.

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