Caribbean passports are the best solution during the COVID-19 pandemic


In the coronavirus pandemic era, many wealthy people are looking for two things: the ability to quickly, easily move around the world for themselves and their families and a place that is reliably protected from COVID-19. You can find these along with tax benefits, the beauty of the local scenery, and a great climate in the Caribbean.

Фотография: Caribbean passports are the best solution during the COVID-19 pandemic №1 -

Having obtained the citizenship of one of the Caribbean countries by investment, you can easily apply for a long-term visa to the United States or Canada. Don’t forget that a Caribbean passport is much cheaper than a European one. In the Caribbean, the minimum cost is $100,000. And in Malta, you will have to pay at least a million euros.

Besides, the registration procedure in the Caribbean is effortless and fast — in 3-6 months, you can get a passport of the chosen country. Let’s find out what Caribbean Citizenship-by-Investment (CIP) programs offer and which one is the best.

The cheapest donation

Almost all Caribbean programs involve a passport issuing one of two financial investment options — investing in a government fund or buying real estate. With a grant to the fund, the cheapest citizenship will be Dominica, Antigua, and Barbuda.

A Dominica passport is perfect for one applicant — you will need to pay only $100,000. If you are a family person, it is better to choose Antigua. For $100,000, you can add up to three people to your citizenship application.

The cheapest real estate

The leaders are Dominica and Antigua — choosing independent investment in real estate will need to invest $200,000. But the lowest retention period for real estate is in Grenada and Dominica — you can resell the object in three years.

The fastest process

The winner is Saint Kitts and Nevis. You can obtain a passport from this country in just 60 days if you pay extra for an accelerated registration procedure.

The most COVID-protected country

Saint Kitts and Nevis. Officially, only 44 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered there, and as of April 2021, all COVID patients have successfully recovered in the country.

Grenada, with 155 cases, is the second place in this list, and Dominica, with 165 patients, is the third one.

Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda lag too far behind their neighbors. By April 2021, there were 1,173 coronavirus cases in Antigua and 4,273 cases in Saint Lucia.

Choose a country together with the professionals, and it makes no difference what exactly you are looking for — salvation from a pandemic, a tax haven, and a convenient offshore or a place for a calm and confident life. The Migronis experts have carefully and in detail compared all Caribbean passports to make it easier for you to decide. Besides, you can order a one-to-one free consultation with an expert on Caribbean citizenship.

Смотрите также: Топ 100 лучших постов.

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