EXBASE.IO cryptocurrency platform review


Фотография: EXBASE.IO cryptocurrency platform review №1 - BigPicture.ru

Almost the whole world is already actively looking at cryptocurrencies, figuring out how to get profit from them. While in Europe and the USA cryptocurrencies acquire legal status and begin to be regulated at the government level, in the CIS countries the legal recognition of cryptocurrencies is only in the process, despite the fact that Ukraine and Russia are in the TOP 10 countries where they are popular. But we still don’t have a really good platform that would provide its users with many useful features and would not have typical disadvantages of crypto platforms. But a worthy candidate has already appeared for this role — the EXBASE.IO service. Why exactly it? Here’s why.

Platform advantages

The convenience of use. A simplified and intuitive interface is not just words. Any user can figure out the functionality of the service without any problems, even one who has never worked with cryptocurrency before.

Availability of technical support. In case something remains unclear. Technical support works quickly and really helps in difficult situations. For example, when the user’s transfer was blocked for some reason.

Cryptocurrency wallet. What is important — custodian. That means the one where only the owner has access to funds. Neither service employees, nor anyone else will be able to withdraw of them. As for direct hacking, purely theoretically, it is still possible but will require an enormous amount of computing power and resources, so eventually, it does not pay off.

Reliability. The service is actually a decentralized platform. Therefore, it is almost impossible to make any changes to the stored information. Not to mention additional ways to protect your account, such as two-factor authentication and master password.

Working with fiat currencies. Yes, the user can exchange his cryptocurrency assets into hryvnia or rubles without intermediaries, which can be withdrawn to a Visa / Mastercard card of any resident bank in Ukraine or the Russian Federation. Or to the electronic payment system Qiwi. The reverse process — replenishment of the wallet with fiat currency is also possible.

Effective exchange. Many services and banks take an additional commission for this and provide an inconvenient course. However, EXBASE.IO allows such transactions to be made within the system, by using the actual exchange rate from the largest world-class cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Kraken, Binance, or Coinbase.

The ability to exchange cryptocurrencies to fiat quickly. No registration, no additional complications, but still on favourable terms.

Benefits for regular users. Promotions, various discounts, high speed of transactions, advanced tools for technical analysis of fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates and much more.

Development and improvement of the project

Regular site updates, based on the wishes of users, the addition of new cryptocurrencies and payment methods, and increasing the maximum and minimum withdrawal limits, as well as a specific focus on expanding the functionality which is already have a lot of features. For example — it is planned to provide users with the opportunity to make investments using virtual assets.

All this makes the EXBASE.IO platform a good candidate for a leading position in the field of working with cryptocurrency in the CIS. And you can easily verify this for yourself when you register there.

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